Tuesday 4 October 2011

When The Kitchen is Empty and the Brain has Ideas :-)

An empty kitchen, always a sad sight. A lack of sweet goods in the kitchen, an even worse sight!! 

So I decided to fill the house with sweets. Fudge, French Macarons, Cake Pops and came up with a really scrummy buttercream recipe :-)

The fudge was aaaaaaaaaaaaaa-mazing!! Quick, easy, massive amount and soooooo tasty!! A definate winner and will definately be making that again!!

The french macarons were vanilla and filled with vanilla buttercream and although they didnt look overly wonderful, they tasted great!

The cakepops took ages!! I also couldnt bag them up until the next day, however, they looked great, tasted great and to top it off, i got to lick the bowl of the melted chocolate!!

I know I mentioned the buttercream, I cant give that one away just yet, I need to test it out on other people!!

Home :-)

Home Sweet Home! So I return from my jollies to Fuerteventura and came home to gifts from my parents! Its supposed to be me bringing gifts! But with gifts like these, no girl could complain!

And who could resist a couple of others?

Cake Pops :-)

After ordering the Bakerella book on how to make cake pops, it just had to be done!!  The way it is written makes making these adorable little treats so easy!! And what better way to show you the end result than to take piccies :-)

That has to be the most spectacular boquet ever!!