Thursday 2 February 2012

Sugar Cookies :-)

My first attempt at sugar cookies wasnt too bad! I was expecting worse, although the recipe I used produced a very very sticky dough which I had to add more flour to.
The cookies only take ten minutes to bake and I did a batch of eight to start with. The cookies come out a lovely pale golden colour and dont rise which gave a perfect base to ice :-)

I used royal icing to a piping consistency to pipe the outline onto the cookies and then flooded the cookies with a thinner pourable icing.

I finally finished the eight cookies and decided that with a ton of cookie dough left over to make the final batches of cookies, thirty eight in total!!

I used the same method with outlining the cookie and flooding with icing and adding final details when the icing had set

PP = Pinkys Patisserie,  check me out at