Tuesday 23 August 2011

Juicy Jaffa Cupcakes :-)

I LOVE chocolate. Absolutely love it!! I also love oranges, they remind me of Christmas for some obscure reason! So what could be better than a chocolate orange cupcake?

Please forgive the use of twirls - I had to have the added chocolate (you dont have to do this!)

4oz self raising flour
4oz caster sugar
4oz margerine / butter
2 x large eggs
1 x tbsp cocoa powder (not drinking chocolate)

Mix all the ingredients together until pale and fluffy, divide between 12 x cupcake cases. Place into a pre-heated oven on gas mark 4 for 20 minutes or until springy under finger.

Leave to cool (not in front of the window as a wolf may pinch them!)

4oz unsalted butter
4oz icing sugar
Orange Flavouring / Zest of 2 x oranges & Juice of 1 orange
Orange Food Colouring
Twirls for decoration (optional)

Mix the icing sugar and softened butter together,add the flavouring (add to taste) and food colouring until you have a lovely fluffy mixture.

Pipe onto the cooled chocolate sponges and add the twirl for some extra chocolatey goodness :-)

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