Wednesday 20 June 2012

The Return of the Mojo :-)

After sitting for a long while and debating the redecoration of my bedroom, I decided it must be done. However, what I hadnt thought about was the fact that this takes time .... and lots of it.

I work full time, don't get me wrong, I love it. But mid deceoration? Thats a no. I had paint coming from every angle, my bed was an island in the midst of an ocean of mess and there was no possible way I could cope with this, work and baking.

My baking has suffered, I can admit that. It has shaken me to the very core and my waivering faith in my awesome baked home goods has become a distant memory.

I needed sweets in my life, I needed to contain my sweet monster and I needed to do it now!!

Luckily for me, I was taught by the best and with my birthday on the way my beautiful mother sent me packing and made me a birthday cake, complete with cake truffles and white chocolate fingers. Luckily for everyone else, I cant eat a 20 portion cake on my own (even if I wanted to!!) so everyone else got to share the delights of my birthday cake!

Now the deceorating is a distant memory, my mojo has returned, the ideas for making cakes and baked goods is back and I want to get in the kitchen!

Oven watch out, here I come, I have ideas coming from all angles and cant think where to start! My sweet monster needs feeding..............more piccies coming soon!

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