Saturday 23 June 2012

Plant Pot Cupcakes :-)

I would like to say a big hello to summer........

But it's Britain and apart from a week of sun last month, that's as close as England has had to summer this year. I don't think it's set to get any better, but there is a silver lining to every situation....... for example....

You get a vastly overpriced phonebill, sure, it's a shock but you've enjoyed the conversations. You break your ankle in ridiculously high heels, sure, it hurts but you looked hot doing it. See! Silver linings are all around!!

So, English 'summer' may be a no show, but I have a nice cool kitchen, perfect conditions for buttercream and I have a good excuse to stay inside and no-one can drag me out to burn to bacon in the 'English sun'.

This weekend has been another prime example of 'summer' (I use that word loosely).  The rain has meant outdoor activities are a no and the kitchen is most inviting!

The smiles were firmly plastered on whilst making these summery cupcakes and what better way to make summer inside than to make plant pot cupcakes?

These have been on my mind since seeing some creative posts online, but have I been able to find the silicone cups? Have I heck!

Imagine my delight when, due to the weather, I go to town (can't stay in all weekend!!) and come across exactly what i've been looking for! I'm delighted, that is until I get to the till.

60% off sale! Im no longer delighted, i'm euphoric!!

Few things make me as happy as a sale in a bake shop!

Having said that, hot chocolate in winter, snow gently falling outside, fire on and a good soppy romantic film will set that smile too! (apparently this lack of summer has got me thinking about winter!)

Back to where I should be thinking ....... summery plant pot cupcakes!

Chocolate sponge, and two varieties of buttercream - chocolate orange and mint chocolate. Im salivating and it takes all my restraint to stop me hiding away with the spatula and left over buttercream!!

The buttercream is the same standard recipe I always use except with cocoa and different flavourings


4oz Butter
8oz Icing Sugar
1tsp Milk
2-3 Drops Flavouring (in this case 1 was mint, 1 was orange)

Chocolate Sponge:-

4oz Self Raising Flour
4oz Caster Sugar
4oz Butter
2 Large Eggs
1 tbsp Pure Cocoa
1tsp Vanilla Extract

The flowers and butterflies were made using standard fondant icing, coloured using gel colours and cutters. Simple, beautiful and eye-catching.

Hope you enjoy these as much as I do!

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